Masses for pilgrim groups

Pilgrim groups who would like to celebrate a holy mass in the Wieskirche are very welcome. Since there is a great demand for dates of Mass in the Passion-Play-Year 2022, we have reserved the following dates for the celebration of Holy Mass for pilgrim groups for the year 2022:
Monday to Saturday (without holidays) at 8 a.m., 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Other dates are not possible. We expressly point out the possibility of concelebration so that several groups of the same language can celebrate Holy Mass together. If necessary, there is also the possibility to visit other churches in the vicinity of Oberammergau. For pilgrim groups that are not registered, the celebration of Holy Mass is not possible.
For the celebration of the holy mass it is necessary that the celebrant submits his Celebret before by E-Mail ( to us. The celebration of the Holy Mass is only possible after the submission of the celebret.